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Music has been at the heart of worship in the Judeo-Christian tradition from the earliest times. David, the first king of Israel, was a talented musician who traditionally composed many of the Psalms. The apostle Paul admonished the Christians in Colossae to “sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude” in their hearts. The great repertoire of plainsong facilitated the spread of Christianity throughout Europe, and every major Christian movement has been defined by the music that proclaims its message.

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St. John’s Cathedral lives into this tradition of musical liturgy through its worship and fostering of the arts. The Cathedral choir is made up of students, volunteers, professionals, trained singers, and amateurs. The choir provides music for the 10:30 Holy Eucharist as well as services of Evensong and other liturgical events throughout the year. The Cathedral Art series presents recitals, opera, and art show, and other musical events.


The people of St. John’s Cathedral experience the sacred presence of God through the gift of music in worship. Choirs, organ, and other instruments lead our prayers, devotions, and celebration in our sacraments and liturgies. We share the wealth of our worship to the wider community, recognizing our place in Knoxville as the cathedral of our diocese and a house of prayer for all people.


For more information about our music program, please contact Jason Overall, canon precentor and director of music.

Music Staff

Jason Overall is Canon Precentor and Director of Music at St. John’s Cathedral, having joined the staff in November of 2014. Prior to his tenure, St. John’s had only five musicians since its founding in 1826, two of which served fifty years each. Jason brings a breadth of experience in organ performance, choral training, and liturgy. He is the principal organist for all services and leads the choirs in rehearsal and performance. In addition, he oversees the new concert series Cathedral Arts and helps plan liturgies in dialogue with the clergy. He has served in similar capacities at St. James Episcopal Church in Knoxville, All Saints Episcopal Church in Indianapolis, and St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Indianapolis. Jason earned a bachelor of music in composition and theory from Furman University and a master of music in composition from The Florida State University. He studied organ with Dr. Nancy Ypma, Dr. Charles Tompkins, and Dr. Michael Corzine.


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Eunjin Choi is the music associate at St. John's Cathedral. Mrs. Choi received a bachelor of music degree in organ performance at Yonsei University in South Korea. She  continued her studies at University of Iowa, earning a master's degree in organ performance, Magna cum Laude, studying with Dr. Delbert Disselhorst. Mrs.Choi then went to Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio to pursue another master’s degree in church music studying under Professor May L. Schwarz. She served as resident chapel organist at Trinity Seminary and as one of the chapel choir conductors. She served several Lutheran Churches in Ohio and Florida before settling in Knoxville. She is married to Hyun Kim, a professor at the University of Tennessee, and she has a daughter, Eyrin.

St. John's Episcopal Cathedral

413 W Cumberland Ave.

Knoxville, TN 37902

(865) 673-0893


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 153

Knoxvillle, TN 37901-0153


Parking Lot Address:

414 W Church Avenue.

Knoxville, TN 37902

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