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Children & Families

Providing a safe and caring environment for your children and youth is our priority.
Contact The Rev. Chris Hackett about Children & Family Ministry.
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SKiP for 4yrs and older : (During the School Year)
Sundays during the 10:30 AM Service.  
SKiP, (St.John's Kids Praise) is our year-round children's education and worship ministry for children aged 4 years and older.  Parents are always welcome! 
Parents drop-off children with our SKiP team in the Church prior to the start of the 10:30 AM Service.  Children and Adult Leaders will process with the clergy and choir during the opening hymn and leave for SKiP together.  Adult Leaders will return children to their parents in the Church prior to Communion. 



Nursery for Infants - 4 Years

For the month of November and December 2024, Nursery will open at 9:15 am.

Regular Nursery Schedule is Sunday Mornings at 10 am.

On second floor of the Cathedral Building


Our Nursery is staffed by CPR and First Aid trained workers who provide excellent care and attention to our youngest members. The nursery is open at 10:10 AM on Sunday mornings and care is provided through the end of the 10:30 service. 

Coffee & Conversation
TBD (During School Year)
For Middle and High School Youth


Middle and High School Youth are invited to a conversational gathering each Sunday morning to share coffee and discussion.

Children and Youth serve in worship and support our services as Acolytes.
If you are interested in learning more, contact The Rev. Canon Christopher J. Hackett  
Treble Choir

Open to all children in the second grade and above. 

Contact Jason Overall, Direcotr of Music for details on current offerings.  

St. John's Episcopal Cathedral

413 W Cumberland Ave.

Knoxville, TN 37902

(865) 673-0893


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 153

Knoxvillle, TN 37901-0153


Parking Lot Address:

414 W Church Avenue.

Knoxville, TN 37902

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